Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Over the Edge

Charlie Priest's team is investigating an MVA.  It appears that the driver was racing, he was also carrying £500 in twenties and a Glock 38.  The vehicle in question was one of an identical pair of vehicles recently stolen.  The other was found shortly afterwards torched.  Although Priest can't attribute a crime to the death, he is sure that there is a connection to something bigger.

It isn't long after this that a former school mate of Priest's, Tony Krabbe, is murdered by an ice axe.  Krabbe was a mountaineering enthusiast.  Looking further into Krabbe's past points Priest in the direction of a known criminal.  Is there a connection, and if so, how can it be proved?

A few weeks into the investigation a new case surfaces.  Two bodies are found in the countryside.  Both are female and could be illegal immigrants.  As Priest and his team continue the investigation, more crimes seem to pile up on the suspect he has in mind.  It is just a matter of putting it all together and finding the suspect.

Author Stuart Pawson has written an excellent crime thriller in "Over the Edge", one that the reader will not want to put down.  I enjoyed this read, and look forward to the next in this series.

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