Sunday, August 17, 2014

Where Serpents Sleep

It is 1812 and Sebastian St. Cyr has just been picked up by Hero Jarvis, daughter of Lord Jarvis.  She wants him to investigate a young woman, whom Hero believes was well-born, and forced into prostitution.  Unfortunately the said young woman was killed in suspicious circumstances.  The home where she was staying was burned to the ground and several women who were living there also died.

Meantime, Lord Jarvis has assigned his man, Colonel Epsom-Smith, to look into the matter and discretely kill those responsible.  Sir William Hadley, in charge of Bow Street, refuses to allow St. Cyr's friend Dr. Paul Gibson to perform any autopsies, despite evidence showing that the women had been stabbed before being burned.  Will St. Cyr and Epsom-Smith be working together or at cross purposes on this investigation?

As St. Cyr ramps up his investigation, he finds out that Hadley knew the victim.  Meantime Miss Jarvis has done some investigating of her own and come up with a possible name for the victim.  St. Cyr realises that he knows the victim's brother.  Later one evening two highwaymen attempt to assassinate Miss Jarvis.  She kills one and badly wounds the other.

More deaths will occur before St. Cyr solves this murder mystery.  Author C. S. Harris makes the concluding pages quite thrilling.  Quite a good read.

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