Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Market for Murder

Karen Slocombe and her daughter Stephanie had just left the supermarket when there was a massive explosion from inside.   Shortly thereafter, a fellow stall keeper in the local market is shot dead by a crossbow arrow.  Karen saw it happen.  Coincidence or something else?

The stall holders gather to discuss the situation.  The leader of the group points out that they have received information that there is an operation going on to create GMO apples in the area.  The dead stall holder had been selling his own apple juice.  Some of the group are concerned that the pollinators pollinating the GMO apples could adversely affect all of their produce.

Den Cooper, who had once been with the police and is now with Social Services, is getting antsy over the murder investigation.  He takes time off and offers his services to the police.

It is during a funeral that somebody shoots Karen.  Was she shot because she was close to naming the killer?   Author Rebecca Tope presents numerous suspects in this murder mystery with a few surprises at the conclusion.  A good, quick read.

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