Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Parliament House

A newly minted Member of Parliament has just been assassinated in front of Christopher Redmayne and his good friends Julius and Susan Cheever.  The assassin escapes before he could be apprehended.  Redmayne immediately calls upon his friend Constable Jonathan Bale for help.   From what he learns from his brother, Henry, Redmayne is sure that the intended target was actually Cheever.  He is also sure that the assassin will strike again.

While travelling to the funeral of the late Member of Parliament, another attempt is made on Cheever's life.  While Redmayne is with Cheever at the funeral Bale learns that the cause of the attempts may be a seditious pamphlet said to have been written by Cheever.

With a drawing of the killer in hand, Redmayne and Bale set off in search of him, only to find that he is already dead.  Who is the paymaster, then?  With evidence found on the body, Bale has his suspicions, but Redmayne discounts them, for he has his own suspicions.

Author Edward Marston provides a rollicking conclusion to this historical murder mystery.  Full of tension and excitement, it is a good, quick read.

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