Monday, January 19, 2015

Maids of Misfortune

Annie Fuller is under pressure to pay the outstanding debt of her late husband.  If she attempted to do that, she would have to give up her boarding house, which is her main source of income.  She also operates as a medium, providing future prognostications for people looking for good news.

Annie is shocked when she is confronted by a lawyer who tells her that one of her clients has committed suicide, and she has been named in his will.   It doesn't make sense to her that he would commit suicide, nor that he was on the brink of insolvency.  She is convinced that he was murdered and that his missing assets, when discovered will point to the murderer.  She is determined to find the killer, so she hires on as a maid of the family of the victim.

Annie and the lawyer for the victim's family is sure that the former maid can provide them with information.  However, when the maid turns up dead, Annie blames herself because she had been looking for her to provide information.  The situation changes dramatically when the victim's son is taken in by the police based on evidence they find in his room.  Annie is sure that it has been planted, but how to prove it?

Annie's friend and lawyer to the victim, Nate Dawson, discovers some information concerning the victim's partner and his whereabouts on the night of the murder.  Together, they will solve the crime, but Annie will have help from unexpected quarters.  A good read by author M. Louisa Locke.

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