Thursday, January 29, 2015

Standing Stones

It is the spring of 1841 and Foulksy Island in the Orkneys has a new laird, Lord Gordon and he is not impressed with the low revenues brought in from rents paid by the islanders.  Lord Gordon has told William Scott that he can no longer grant credit at the store.  Times are changing for the people on the island.

Not long after this Gordon brings sheep to the island to increase his revenues.  Then he begins to evict his tenants.  Houses were torn down to allow for grazing.  People were supposed to sign indenture forms, which when sold would bring more money to Lord Gordon.  The families have a hard time under Lord Gordon's rule, so some sign the indenture forms heading for Virginia, others sign up with the Hudson's Bay Company and others migrate to Van Diemen's Land.

This novel follows branches of the McDonnell clan after it is split up by the evictions of Lord Gordon.  I found the novel to be somewhat jerky as it bounced back and forth following these branches.  An historical novel by author Beth Camp that gives some insight into the Scottish diaspora.

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