Wednesday, October 21, 2015

1914 (The War Years)

Fourteen year old twins, Danny and Charlie Keeton have set up a profitable business of buying cigarettes from fifteen year old Jack Warren, and selling them on.  They are keeping the profits to themselves, rather than sharing them with their family who live in poverty.  Unfortunately, the lads get pummelled by an Irish gang after selling cigarettes in their territory.

In August, the twins' elder brother, Michael married Sophie.  Their eldest brother William was able to be home from the army for the wedding.  The next day, Britain declared war on Germany.  A short time later, when an army recruiting drive comes to town, Michael joins up.  The twins' intellectual brother, sixteen year old Jacob fears that he will be the next to go.  As men disappear into the army, Danny and Charlie find themselves working twelve hour shifts at the mill.

When Jacob is handed a white feather, he doesn't know what to do.  However, he finally decides to sign up.  Danny goes with him and convinces Charlie to come with them, which turns Charlie against him.  At Etaples training camp, they meet an abusive Sergeant Braddock.  The young men are fortunate to have Corporal Dettmer on their side.  They are all shocked to find that Braddock is sent to the front with them.

It doesn't take long for them to learn the hell of trench war fare, the noise of the guns, the lack of sleep, the stench, the nightmares and the murderous over the top attacks.

A thoroughly good read that takes the reader up to the end of 1914.  Author James Farner takes the reader through the working conditions for the lower classes in Britain up to the beginning of stalemate of The Great War, that would endure for four years.  It is a quick read, but leaves the reader looking forward to the sequels and what will become of Danny, Charlie and their mates.

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