Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fingal O'Reilly, Irish Doctor

It is July 1936 in Dublin, and Fingal O'Reilly has just graduated from medical school landing a job in the tenements of Dublin.  It is exactly where he wants to be a doctor.  He is immediately dropped in the deep end upon his arrival by Doctor Phelim Corrigan.  Fingal is suspicious of Corrigan's methods, but everyone sings his praises.  Following his interview with Corrigan, Fingal's mind is changed.

Fingal is able to convince his classmate, Charlie Greer, to join him in the practice with Doctor Corrigan.  That would ease the workload.  Unfortunately it is at this time that Fingal's father passes away,

Working conditions were different then; one of the surgeries Fingal is involved in was done at the home of the patient.  This is the same era as Hitler, Mussolini and the Spanish Civil War.  Fingal's girlfriend, Kitty, is concerned about all the orphaned children in Spain as a result of Franco's policies.  Although Fingal learns a lot working in the tenements of Dublin, how long will his job last when its funding comes from the Irish Sweepstakes and Britain has outlawed its sales there?  Can he maintain the love of Kitty when he is so very busy?

Throughout the novel, author Patrick Taylor, intersperses Fingal's story of 1936 with his current situation of 1965 when he was bringing a young woman, Doctor Jenny Bradley, into the practice.  It was not easy for a woman at that time to be accepted as a doctor, but she was slowly impressing the locals.  Will Fingal be able to keep her involved in the practice?

Taylor's story telling is both informative and amusing.  You can tell that he enjoys telling a story, leaving the reader with a smile on their face.  I highly recommend the series.

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