Monday, October 26, 2015

The Iron King

Philippe IV of France, also known as Philippe the Fair, has long envied the wealth and power of the Knights Templar.  To gain control of their wealth he has jailed many of them, including the Grand Master, Jacques de Molay.  Tortured, Molay admitted to crimes he and the Knights Templar had never committed.  When he is burned at the stake, Molay curses Phillipe, the Pope and Guillaume Nogaret, his torturer.

Meantime, two of Philippe's daughters-in-law are actively involved in adulterous affairs.  Isabella, Queen of England, and Phillipe's daughter is well aware of these affairs and intends to let her father know of them.  As a result of of torturing the lovers of the princesses, they were condemned to life imprisonment while the lovers were to be executed.

Within days of the execution, Pope Clement is dead.  Both Phillipe and Nogaret wonder who is next.  Not long after that, Nogaret is dead, too.  Will Phillipe die soon, too?  Will his line be accursed to to the thirteenth generation as all heard Molay state as he died in the fire?  Author Maurice Druon has written an excellent historical novel, which had me engrossed.  I'm looking forward to reading the sequels.

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