Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hannibal - Clouds of War

After the battle of Cannae, Hannibal refuses to follow and destroy the Roman army, because he knows what it could cost his own army.  A little over two years later, he splits up Hanno and his two brothers, sending Bostar to Iberia, Hanno to Sicily and keeping Sapho by his side.

Unbeknownst to Hanno, his former owner and friend, Quintus has also been posted to Sicily.  When misfortune occurs for Quintus' sister and she receives a cryptic message from Hanno, she decides to travel to the toe of Italy to be near those that she loves.  More misfortune befalls Aurelia when the ship she is on is captured and she is enslaved and taken to Syracuse.  There she becomes a concubine to one of the rulers of the city.

Hanno accidentally discovers the position that Aurelia is in, and desperately manages get her released, but shortly afterwards is sent off to fight the Romans.  Foolishly she follows his battle group, thus endangering herself once more.  Fortunately they manage to escape, but the city they are in is threatened by the Roman army.  Will they find Aurelia's brother in the opposing army?  How long can Syracuse withstand the siege?

Author Ben Kane takes the reader one further step into the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage, which results in the fall of Syracuse.  Quintus, Aurelia and Hanno survive this portion of the war and will live to fight another day in the next volume of this series.  As a fan of historical fiction, I look forward to reading it, too.

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