Friday, October 23, 2015

The Painted Lady

Sarah Ann Ashby's mother was a harlot, and by the age of fifteen she too was offering her body to the men around her.   With the Battle of Waterloo complete, and her mother dead, Sarah decides to start a new life in Brighton, because there were no longer any soldiers in the area she had grown up in.

In Brighton, Sarah meets Lieutenant Stanville, newly home from Waterloo.  After a brief interlude of getting to know each other, Lieutenant Stanville introduces Sarah to Madge Perrin, a brothel keeper.  Madge quickly gets Sarah working.  She takes to the work with enjoyment.  It is to her that now Captain Stanville brings his younger cousin, Lord Denton for his sexual initiation.

David, Lord Denton has fallen in love with Sarah.  She is astounded at the wealth he has to hand.  He is convinced that she will marry him, however Sarah thinks otherwise.  He does manage to convince her to meet his parents, but she must not wear her paint and must dress accordingly.  However, Octavia Stanville, David's second cousin is not fooled by her.

In 1820, Lord Denton achieved his majority, so with his own finances at hand he convinced Sarah to join him on a tour of Europe.  Their idyllic love excursion comes to an end when Denton receives news that his father has died, he is now Lord Southbourne, lord of the manor and must return home.

Will Sarah be able to keep the love of Lord Denton once they get back to England?  What does the future hold for the two of them?  Author Richard Masefield has written a novel of sex and love that is a good quick read.

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