Thursday, December 24, 2015

Before Bethlehem

After seeing the stoning death of a woman accused of adultery, James is confused by the laws of God.  He wonders to his father why the man accused wasn't also put to death by the priests.  The following day, James' father, Joseph is ordered by Herod Antipas to travel to Tiberius to help build the new city he is constructing.  He is to be there in four weeks.

Later that same day, Nicodemus, one of the priests comes to Joseph and tells him that the rabbi wants to see him.  The rabbi insists that in order to protect Joseph, he must work for him.  He also must marry a young woman by the name of Mary.  Joseph, being a widower, consults with his family.  The family supports Joseph, especially when the realisation comes to them that Mary is a chosen one of God.  Joseph sees the marriage as God's will.

The family sees the kind of justice dispensed by the Romans, such as crucifixion.   It inspires fear in them.  Some time later, an angel visits Mary and announces that she is to bear a child.  She is to name the child Jesus.  However, this news creates conflict within the family.  It is decided that Joseph and Mary must move to Bethlehem.  Joseph's sons Jude and James travel with them.

As the child is born, a bright light occurs in the sky to the east.  Shepherds come to tell that they had seen a host of angels telling of the birth of a saviour.  Nicodemus comes to Joseph and tells him that he, Mary and the child must escape to Egypt because King Herod is enraged that a saviour has been born.

A good quick read by author James Flerlage to enjoy on Christmas Eve.

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