Sunday, December 27, 2015

Fin Gall

Ornolf the Restless has taken his men a-Viking including his son-in-law Thorgrim Ulfsson, and fifteen year old grandson Harald Thorgrimson.  They have gained some prizes, which they are now taking to Dublin to sell.  On the way there they overtake a curragh, and in the ensuing battle, Thorgrim captures a bundle which contains a crown.  However, he doesn't let his shipmates know that he has it.

When the Norwegians arrive in Dublin, they discover that it is no longer a Norwegian possession, but rather a Danish one.  The Norwegian crew get drunk and Magnus Manusson takes the ship from Thorgrim.  All of the other men, who survive a minor skirmish, are imorisoned with Thorgrim.

Mael Sechnaill Mac Ruanaid rules in Tara.  He is supposed to receive the crown of the three kingdoms, however news is brought to him by an injured nobleman that Northmen had taken it from them in a battle at sea.

Morrigan, who is a young healer and slave to Orm, who controls Dublin, is also a spy for Mael Sechnaill.  She has been helping to heal the injuries of the Norsemen.  Magnus thinks it is so that he can continue his brutal interrogation of them.  She has other ideas in mind.  Morrigan helps the prisoners escape by sea, however she also arranges for the injured, including Harald, to be taken safely away by land.   She holds them in exchange for the crown, which she knows Thorgrim has safely hidden away somewhere.

Can Thorgrim retrieve the crown without endangering his crew and his son despite being shadowed along the shore by Magnus?  Will Harald survive the fever which grips him?  Is it possible for the Irish to have an alliance with the Norse?

Although author James L. Nelson gets the story off to a slow start, it does become quite a rollicking novel.  I quite enjoyed it.  A quick, good read.

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