Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Devil's Workshop

It is late at night when DI Walter Day is called to his office because five murderers have made a brazen escape from Bridewell Prison.  Commissioner Sir Edward Bradford wants the escapees captured as quickly as possible.  He assigns many of his force to the manhunt, however he assigns Day and DS Hammersmith to investigate the goings on at the prison.  Day's former mentor and now retired DI Adrian March offers to help.  Bradford is sure that the escape was carefully planned and includes someone inside the prison.  He also informs the trio that one of the escapees is a man Day and Hammersmith had put away last year.

At the prison, the warden is adamant that there were only four escapees, however a clerk is sure there is a fifth.  Unfortunately he has no records to identify the man.  The trio follow some clues to a tea shop where they find a man bound and gagged.  One of the escapees has been found, but why was he bound and gagged?

Further investigation leads Day and March to catacombs beneath a church.  There March springs a surprise on Day.  Unfortunately for the pair of them, they become entrapped.  Meantime Sergeant Hammersmith comes to the realisation that Day's wife, Claire, is also in danger.  Will he be able to protect her and will Day succeed in escaping his predicament?

Author Alex Grecian has plenty of tension building up in this murder mystery and a few surprises before the conclusion.  An intense, page turning read.

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