Thursday, December 17, 2015


Alan Dale has used his thieving skills as a lad to help his mother and himself survive under the brutal regime of the local sheriff.  One day he is caught and is about to be punished with the loss of his hand.  Fortunately he escapes, only to be taken to Robin Hood by his mother, who asks the outlaw to take the lad under his protection.  Robin agrees, however Alan is shocked when he sees how Robin's men administer his Justice.

Deep in Sherwood Forest, Alan's training begins.  It is not just the skills of a warrior that he is taught, but French and Latin.  He was learning to be a gentleman as well as a warrior.  There Alan also discovers a love for music.  After a summer of intensive training, Alan is physically changed.  Unfortunately Friar Tuck informs him that the village Alan came from has been destroyed by the sheriff, and his mother was killed in the raid.

Shortly after Christmas, the hideout and the people within are destroyed by the sheriff.  Fortunately Alan was away and was warned by a young girl by the name of Goody.  He and his musical mentor escape with the girl.  Rescued by Robin, Alan needs to get back into fighting condition.  Later he and his two friends are sent with Marie-Anne to Winchester, where she is a lady in waiting to the queen.  Before they leave, Robin gifts Alan with a flute.

Alan also has another role in Winchester, as a spy for Robin.  He discovers that the Sheriff of Nottingham wants to marry Marie-Anne.  Can Robin, Alan and the rest of his outlaw band save her from this ignominious end?

Author Angus Donald has put a new face to the Robin Hood I've read about and watched in movies in this fast paced, action filled novel.  A good, quick read.

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