Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Never Somewhere Else

DCI William Lorimer has three gruesome murders on his hands.  Three young women have been strangled, scalped and their bodies left in St. Mungo's Park.  Solomon Brightman, a psychologist has been brought in to help with the investigation.  When a fourth murder is attempted and ends in failure, Lorimer goes on TV appealing for help.

Solomon is sure that the killer only had the intention of killing one of the victims.  The other two were intended as a smoke screen, to make the police think that they had a serial killer on their hands.  An old ambulance turns up burned out in the countryside with a body inside.  Such an ambulance had been seen in the area the bodies were found.  It turns out that the ambulance has a connection to one of the victims.

That same victim is an art student, and amongst her art portfolio, Solomon discovers a drawing of the man who been inside the burned out ambulance.  Furthering his investigation, he speaks to the victim's mentor and gets a list of male acquaintances.  Later that evening he is attacked in his home and the list is taken.

Throughout, reporter Martin Enderby is doing his own investigation into the murders.  His latest report in the paper seemed to have too much information in it.  He is brought in for questioning.  Both Lorimer and Solomon agree that this isn't the killer.  Then who is?

Author Alex Gray has the reader invested right to the last pages wondering who the killer is.  Well written and a page turner.  I look forward to the sequels.

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