Friday, February 12, 2016

An Irish Doctor in Love and at Sea

It is 1940, the Battle of Britain is underway and Fingal O'Reilly is now in Portsmouth for further training at Haslar Hospital, which is the naval hospital in this naval city.  Being a naval reserve, Fingal doesn't make a very good impression on the hospital's admiral when he presents his orders.

Fingal wants his fiancĂ©, Deirdre to join him, and he has a place for her to stay.  They also want to get married, but naval regulations may prevent that from happening.  Fortunately Fingal's teacher is able to fast track a promotion, which will allow him to marry Deirdre before he has to go back to his ship. They are also able to share Christmas together.

Having completed his training, Fingal returns to his ship, the Warspite, in the Mediterranean.  They are not immune to attack while at sea, and damage ensues.  Further damage awaits Fingal when the battleship returns to port.

The above tale is brought to mind by the reunion of the class of '31.  Fingal and a few of his classmates had arranged the reunion in Dublin.  At the reunion Fingal notices that one of their classmates, Ronald Fitzpatrick, had burned his fingers on a teapot and O'Reilly was concerned.  However, Fitzpatrick is having none of it.  Unfortunately for him, things come to a head and he is hospitalised.  Fortunately Fingal and his partners are prepared to take on his clinic.

Throughout this novel author Patrick Taylor intersperses tales of Fingal's modern-day life amongst those of his life at war, which will bring amusement and smiles to the reader.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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