Thursday, February 4, 2016

Death at the Clos du Lac

A body has been found suspended in an indoor pool at a sanitarium.  It is held down by a weight attached to its feet.  Inspector Lucas Rocco attends the scene, and when he questions the nurse who discovered the body, she refuses to answer some of his questions.  Within a very short time Rocco and his team are taken off the case when the Internal Security Directorate steps in.  But not before the team learns that the patients are drugged, and there seems to be a military connection.

Rocco and Claude Lamotte go in search of the sanitarium's security guard only to find him also dead, execution style.  Surprisingly they are given permission to investigate his death.  Returning to the sanitarium later, they find that it has been evacuated, and all documentation has been taken.

Meantime in Paris, a woman has been abducted.  The police are quietly going about searching for her.

Rocco's investigation leads him to discover that the drowning victim had learned of industrial trade agreements being manipulated at the highest levels. Once again, Rocco is warned off.  But that doesn't stop him.  He later discovers that the kidnapping could be tied in to the killing.

It has been awhile since I last picked up a book by Adrian Magson, and once again I have no regrets.  The action is fast paced and intense throughout.  It is a book that is a page turner and hard to put down.  I highly recommend this author.  I'm looking forward to the next in the series.

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