Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Bellingham Bloodbath

Pendragon and Pruitt have been called to Buckingham Palace to investigate the murder of a young soldier of the Queen's Guard and his wife.  Pendragon ensures the major in charge that he will solve the case in three days.  Taken to the scene of the crime by Sergeant McReady of the Guards, Pendragon begins his investigation.  It isn't long before Inspector Varcoe of Scotland Yard is there telling them to be gone.  However, McReady stands his ground.

Returning home, the pair find a woman who is prepared to pay them an outlandish amount to find her missing dog.  Meanwhile Pruitt gets his hands on the file of autopsy report on the young soldier and takes it to Pendragon.  Not long after the police show up demanding the file back.

Checking up on the woman whom the soldier was supposedly having an affair with, turns into a dead end.  However, there are other leads to follow.

A quick read with a surprising conclusion.  However, there were a couple of things that I took umbrage with.  Author Gregory Harris had the major call the empire a republic.  No British major would have ever said anything like that!  Also, there are no hummingbirds in England.  As I said about his first book, "The Arnifour Affair", a fair read.

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