Monday, February 1, 2016

The Best of Men

It is 1642 and Laurence Beaumont has just returned to England after fighting throughout Europe with a variety of armies.  Wounded, Beaumont was in bad shape, but while recovering, he proves his worth when he decodes a message for an officer.  He continues to work as a spy, but his gentle method leads to troubling times for him.

While in The Hague, Beaumont stole some letters which were in cipher.  He has yet to decipher them.  While in Oxford, a friend of his, Ingram, introduces him to the leader of his troop, Radcliff.  Unbeknownst to Beaumont, this is the man from whom he stole the letters.  Also, Ingram has been indiscreet about what Beaumont might be doing in the near future.

In Oxford, Beaumont's former tutor, Seward, helps him partially decipher the letters.  They are a horoscope for King Charles and appear to predict his death with in the next couple of years.  Unfortunately the whole set of letters rain indecipherable, but Beaumont tries to decipher them on his own.

Beaumont is shocked and concerned when a man appears and offers to buy the letters from him.  He passes the letters and explains them to Lord Falkland.  Later he finds himself in the grip of Colonel Hoare, who doesn't trust him, but at the same time wants to use him for his own nefarious purposes.  Unable to get anything from Beaumont, Hoare imprisons him and tortures him.  Fortunately Beaumont's friends and Falkland get him released, Hoare is arrested and put on trial.

Will Beaumont succeed in stopping the conspiracy or will he jeopardise his own family?  Is spying in his own best interests?  If not how can he get away from it?

Author Claire Letemendia has written an exciting thriller about the early onset of the English Civil War.  I found it to be a real page turner and am looking forward to picking up the sequel.

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