Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bad Wolf

Chief Detective Superintendent Pia Kirchoff has been called out to a canal where the body of a young girl has been found.  It would appear that she had been in the water for sometime and that a boat propeller had cut her back.  The autopsy reveals that the girl was about 15 years old and had suffered numerous broken bones, lacked vitamin D and had drowned in a pool or a jacuzzi.

Hanna Herzmann, a controversial TV host has been found beaten, raped and dehydrated in the trunk of her car.  Pia, and her boss, Oliver Bodenstein, were called to the scene.  Hanna's daughter, Meike, searches her mother's computer for clues, and what she discovers, shocks her.  The police discover fingerprints on Hanna's car that point to a paedophile.  What is the connection?

While working on the investigation, Pia is informed by a good friend of hers that she suspects that her husband may be sexually abusing their daughter.  Shortly after this, the body of Hanna's psychotherapist is discovered by Meike who had gone to question her about her mother.  New questions about connections arise.  As the investigation expands, Pia begins to have doubts about certain aspects of the investigation.  As the investigation goes further along, the threads begin to tie together.

Once again, author Nele Neuhaus has maintained a fast paced, action filled thriller from the first page to the last.  It was a book that was hard to put down.  I'm looking forward to the next instalment in this series.

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