Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Eve of Destruction

Harry Devlin's latest case is intriguing him more and more.  A client has come to him requesting information about a divorce.  He had tapped his home phone and discovered that his wife is having an affair.  Harry is sure that he recognises the man's voice, but who is it?  Also, who is calling, but not talking?

Later Harry realises that the voice is that of a man who had spoken to him about headhunting.  He returns the call and speaks to the partner of the firm who turns out to be the wife of the headhunter.

As the tapes progress, the wife of Harry's client suggests murdering her husband to her lover.  Harry wonders if this could possibly be related to his client's recent food poisoning.  Later, the client's wife, her lover and his nanny are found murdered in his home.  Harry spends some time with his client, gathering material just in case he is charged with the murders.

Author Martin Edwards offers up four possible suspects for the killings.  First and foremost, the cuckolded husband. Secondly, the wife of the lover.  Third, the brother of  Harry's client, and lastly the former husband of the client's wife.  I was quite surprised at the ending of this murder mystery.  A very intriguing conclusion and a good read.

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