Sunday, March 6, 2016

Shadows of Sounds

DCI Lorimer has been called out to the Glasgow Symohony Orchestra where the body of the orchestra leader has been found in his changing room with his head bashed in, just prior to what was supposed to be a performance of the symphony.

The victim had plenty of homosexual connections within the orchestra.  Could one of them be the killer?  And why had the victim's bow been wiped clean?  The shocker comes when a newspaper article reveals that the victim was a cocaine user and seller of stolen instruments.

It isn't long after this that another musician's body is found in the basement of the music hall.  Then the case goes quiet.  But not Lorimer's life.  His superintendent collapses at work, and Lorimer is appointed acting superintendent.   The case drags on, so Lorimer is forced to ask for DNA samples from all members of the orchestra.

Author Alex Gray has a few surprises up her sleeve leading to the final conclusion of this murder mystery.  A good quick read.

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