Friday, March 25, 2016


1306, Perth, Scotland; one of Edward's armies has taken over the city.  Aymer de Valence is killing townspeople one-by-one hoping to draw the new king of Scotland, Robert Bruce into battle.  Bruce is nearby, but unfortunately for him, his plans are abruptly put aside when his army is attacked and virtually destroyed by Valence.

Now The Bruce must flee with the remnants of his army and their women.  Will anywhere in Scotland be safe for them?  Those that are captured, including members of Robert's family, come under the brutal retribution of Edward.  Some are executed, some jailed, some put into cages, including Bruce's daughter Marjorie.

Devastated, Robert must either give up his dream of being the king of Scotland or choose to rebuild his army.  He chooses the latter, and begins an invasion of his own country.  Will he be successful?  The death of Edward in July 1307 changes things.  Edward II isn't as interested in continuing the fight of his father in the north.  He has other pressing concerns.  This frees up The Bruce to take on his Scottish enemies before turning on England.   Men swarm to his banner.

As Robert's victories mount, he comes to the realisation that he doesn't want his reign to be brutal like that of Edward's.  He leans towards leniency.  A treaty is reached with the English.  Unfortunately they still have Robert's wife, daughter and sisters, plus many castles.  How will, or can Robert effect the release of those he loves?  Author Robyn Young has written an exciting historical novel of how Robert the Bruce took the throne of Scotland and secured it for the Scots in this third of a trilogy about Bruce.  Well researched and written.  For fans of Scottish history, and fans of historical fiction, an excellent read.

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