Friday, March 18, 2016

Ten Lords A-Leaping

Father Tom Christmas has unfortunately sprained his ankle after jumping out of an airplane as part of a fundraiser for his church's new roof.  Lady Fairhaven has offered to host him and his daughter for the weekend while he recovers.  He questions his decision to stay once he sees the animosity between various members of the family.

The following morning while exploring the labyrinth for a bit of peace and reflection, Tom come across the body of Lord Morborne.  He has been strangled.  Awaiting the police, Tom notices marks on the bodies of various guests at the house, which point to their possible transit through the branches of the labyrinth.  However, when the police question everyone, they all seem to have plausible excuses and a potential witness to their whereabouts.

A day later, one of the possible suspects is found murdered in his workshop.  Why would this person be killed when the police had him in their sights?  Author C. C. Benison then offers up more potential suspects, and provides a surprising conclusion.  A good, quick read.

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