Monday, March 7, 2016

The Poisoned Crown

Clemence of Hungary is finally on her way from Naples to France to marry Louis X.  The trip is a treacherous one as her ship is battered by a storm and it constantly rains while she is on the road.  Meantime Louis prepares to attack his subjects to the north of Paris in Flanders, who refuse to submit to his rule.  Unfortunately rains prevent any battles.

The marriage of Louis and Clemence is a rushed affair so that he can have her as his Queen when he is coronated in Rheims shortly afterwards.  Now, due to the scheming of Robert of Artois, France is on the verge of civil war.  Louis must arbitrate.

At this time, Clemence learns of how Louis's first wife died.  She wants him to go on a pilgrimage with her to beg forgiveness.  After the pilgrimage to Amiens, the hope is that the queen will become pregnant.  Will the comet seen in the night sky augur well for the pair?  Or does it have other serious portents?

Once again author Maurice Druon has made historical fiction real.  His novel brings to life the royal family of France.  The trials and tribulations of Louis X are presented in a fascinating manner.   Well researched and documented.  A very good read.

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