Friday, December 2, 2016


Macro and Cato are still in Syria, where they are rebuilding the Second Illyrian cohort.   Macro wants his auxiliaries to be just as good as any legionnaires.  Cato is sure that war with Parthia is unavoidable, and when a Parthian army marches right up to Antioch, his suspicion is confirmed.  However, he still doesn't trust his leader, Governor Cassius Longinus.

However, rather than being sent to take on the Parthians, Macro and Cato are sent with two cohorts to put down an uprising in Palmyra. Cato is suspicious that this is Longinus' way of getting rid of the pair.  Can they make the long march through the desert safely, or will thirst or enemy attacks prevent them?

Attacked in the desert by rebel cavalry, the two cohorts are saved by a prince of Palmyra and his cavalry.  With combined forces, plans are made to infiltrate Palmyra.  Injured during the infiltration, Cato is treated by a young woman, who is the daughter of the Roman ambassador.  The two do not strike it off well.  Unfortunately, shortly after the Roman cohorts have fought their way into Palmyra, one of the king' sons is murdered.  Is it the other son?  Everyone now has to watch their backs as potential traitors abound, and at the same time they need to prepare to survive the siege.

Will this pair of centurions survive to fight another day?  Author Simon Scarrow 's historical novel is full of action and well based on historical fact.  A thoroughly good read.

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