Friday, December 30, 2016


Britain has just declared war on revolutionary France.  The Royal Navy needs men for its ships.  Thomas Kydd is amongst those pressed into service.  He is hauled off for service on the Duke William.  It doesn't take long for him to find out that life on board a navy ship is both brutal and demanding.  The first day is spent learning the ropes and parts of the ship.  His crew mate, Joe Bowyer takes him under his wing and begins to teach him his new jobs and the layout of the ship.  Unfortunately Kydd has a run in with petty officer Elkins, who seems determined to make his life hell.

Right after arriving in Portsmouth, the captain informs the crew that they will be sailing immediately once provisions are loaded on.  There is to be no shore leave.  He then informs the crew that he has been recalled to London and First Lieutenant Tyrell will be in charge.  The crew is mutinous.  The marines on board put thoughts of mutiny from action, but not mind.  The following day, Kydd sees the use of the cat of nine tails used to punish a man for fighting.  Tyrell is not going to allow anyone to challenge his authority.

Kydd's education comes thanks to Bowyer; how to climb up the ropes and how to tie knots.  The pace of his education quickens as the ship leaves the port.  The first day out, the captain begins training the crew on the guns.  The lessons continue when a gale comes out of the west.  Later, Kydd loses his good friend, Bowyer to an accident.  However, he discovers a new friend in Nicholas Renzi.

Adventures galore plus more education await Kydd and his friends in this naval novel.  A rollicking good read, however many of the naval terms used left this landlubber wondering what was meant.  I do look forward to reading the sequels in this series.

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