Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Lamb to the Slaughter

A retired colonel has been shot dead at his home.  Is it was because he was opposed to the superstore that was going to be coming to Kirkluce?  DI Marjory Fleming immediately begins her investigation.

At the same time some young men on motorbikes have been terrorising an elderly woman on her farm.  DS Tam MacNee, although still in sick leave, tries to reassure her.  He also tries to get information on the murder investigation, which he is not supposed to have.  He also silently works on the investigation on his own, which he is not supposed to be doing.

Fleming is thrown for a loop when a young man shows up in her office announcing that he is the grandson of the victim.  Later that evening one of the boys who had been hassling the elderly woman was shot in the back when they went out to hassle her again.  Could the two killings be related?  As the investigation progresses, suspects are eliminated.  Would the killer be found soon enough or would there be another killing?

Author Aline Templeton has written another superb murder mystery with a very surprising twist at the end.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, leaving me looking forward to the sequel.

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