Sunday, December 4, 2016

Drums of War

It is 1705 and the Duke of Marlborough has plans to break through the French Lines of Brabant.  Successful in his strategy, Marlborough sets about consolidating his gains, much to the chagrin of some of his Dutch allies.  No matter the advantage the allies have, the Dutch seem to always back down.

Marlborough is concerned that a spy of his in Paris has been found out.  He decides to send Captain Daniel Rawson to bring him to safety, if he is still alive.  If not, there are others that must also be brought out.  The man he goes in search of is missing and the daughter frets for him.  It doesn't take Daniel long to find out that the missing man is in the Bastille.  Now, how to protect the daughter, and the two servants, and retrieve the man from the Bastille?

It is a struggle, but Daniel is successful in getting the prisoner free and the others back to The Hague.  Afterwards he spends time with Marlborough who is consolidating the alliance against the French.  Unfortunately after the winter break from fighting things have broken down and Louis XIV is now taking the fight to the alliance rather than maintaining a defensive stance.  Will the alliance be able to stay together?

Author Edward Marston has plenty of action remaining in this historical novel.  A very good read.

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