Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Person or Persons Unkown

Jeremy Proctor is just returning from an errand for Sir John Fielding when a murdered young woman is discovered nearby.  Based on the questioning of witnesses, it is assumed that the killer is a soldier from the nearby barracks at the Tower.

With witness in hand, Fielding and Jeremy proceed to the Tower.  There two potential suspects are identified.  It turns out that they are brothers.  One of them seems to be the likely culprit after the other is questioned by Fielding.  Acting as coroner, Fielding holds an inquest.  Based on the evidence presented to the inquest, Fielding concludes that murder has been committed by a person or persons unknown.  So, who did commit the murder?

Jeremy has his suspicions, and sets about learning more about the fellow he thinks is responsible.

Less than a month after the first killing, a second woman is brutally murdered.  The autopsy performed by Dr. Donnelly, indicates that the killer has some knowledge of anatomy.  Not long after this, a third female victim is discovered, killed in the same manner as the first.  Then a fourth woman is found, eviscerated.  Is it a case of two killers or one with two different methods of killing? The butcher who found the third victim has gone missing; is he the killer?

More murder and mayhem ensue before author Bruce Alexander brings this historical murder mystery to a close.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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