Sunday, September 17, 2017

A True and Faithful Brother

Frances Doughty has been asked to investigate a case of a missing man.  The strange thing is, he went missing from a locked room in which there were several other men at the same time.  Shortly thereafter a body is found in the fuel store of a nearby house.  It has been attacked by rats, however there is enough evidence to point to it being the body of the man Frances was engaged to locate.  She feels that her duty is done.

Not long after this an estate agent is murdered by someone.  He had shown the house where the first victim was murdered to the victim.  Could the two cases be related?  During the second inquest, suspicion falls on the son-in-law of the first victim.  Against her best wishes, Frances is engaged by his wife to gather information, which will prove his innocence.

Without any help on her part, a witness changes her testimony, so Frances is freed of further investigation.  Later, the man comes to her asking her to help clear his name.  However, it isn't long after this that the police accuse Frances of being the killer.  Their case is built on circumstantial evidence.  Fortunately they don't charge her with anything.  However, all of that is about to change.

As author Linda Stratmann's heroine, Frances states, a spider's web exists in this mystery.  Who is the spider and what will become of its victims?  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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