Friday, September 29, 2017

Blind Alley

Three young women have been raped over the past two months, the violence escalating each time.  DI Jack Brady has been assigned the cases.  And now it appears that a fourth victim has been found in nearby North Shields.  Brady is shocked when he realises that he knows the most recent victim; she was his brother Nick’s girlfriend.  Also the method of attack is somewhat different.

Who was after his brother Nick, and why?  Could it be related to a previous case that Brady had worked on and which involved Nick?  Why would DI Bentley, who is in charge of the last case, say that all of them are tied together when he knows that they aren’t?

Brady’s team finally has a suspect in their sights, but he seems to have gone to ground.  But then, why would he turn himself in?  His girlfriend is able to give him solid alibis for each of the nights in question.  So, who was driving his car, then?  Things go sideways when DCI Gates releases the suspect due to outside pressure.

A murder case is forced on Brady, and in quickly solving it, he also solves a rape case.  The killer is imprisoned, but kills in prison, too.  What is going on?

Brady is not prepared to give up on his original case.  Can he solve it before the rapist strikes again?

Author Danielle Ramsay’s thriller is brutal and dark.  Her writing reminds me of Ian Rankin.  A good read.

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