Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Thief Taker

London, 1665 and plague roams the city.

Charlie Tuesday is a thief taker, but has been approached by a young woman by the name of Maria, to have him find a plague doctor who killed her sister.  She is prepared to pay him handsomely. When he goes to view her sister’s body, she traps him in the house.  Why?  When Charlie looks closely at the body he sees that she has been branded with a mark like the special key he owns.  She has brought back guards to arrest him.

Charlie manages to escape, with the help of some friends.  Now he needs to prove his innocence.  To do so, he needs to enter some of the worst plague area of London.  There he learns that he is a hunted man; the king has provided funds for his arrest.

A second woman is killed and left with the same mark on her.  She had been a prostitute, so her pimp provides more money to the mayor of London and his aide to see to Charlie’s arrest.

Charlie’s investigations lead him to discover that the killer is trying to arm an army.  However, the watch are close on his heels.  Surprisingly it is Maria who helps him escape.  They set off in pursuit of the killer, but can they stop him before he kills again?  His plan includes two more victims for his magic to work.

Will Charlie and Maria be able to prevent the two deaths?  Can they survive the plague?  Author C. S. Quinn has plenty to trials and tribulations awaiting the pair in this fast paced thriller.  A good, quick read.

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