Wednesday, September 6, 2017

He Who Fears the Wolf

Chief Inspector Konrad Sejer has been called out to a very brutal murder.  The following day on his way in to work, a bank he has just passed is robbed.  The robber got away with a hostage.  Since Sejer is a witness, Jacob Skarre is tasked with investigating the murder.

A young man who was incarcerated in an asylum has escaped.  He was seen in the vicinity of the murder, and then recognised by a policeman who knows him as the hostage.  When Sejer meets with the director of the asylum, she fiercely defends the man who has escaped, stating that there is no way he would have killed.

Author Karin Fossum's thriller isn't so much about the police's search for the killer, and bank robber, but rather more about the minds of the latter, which is a very different twist on a murder mystery thriller.  A good read.

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