Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Iron Castle

Robin, Earl of Locksley has just sworn fealty to King John, and been given the promise of the return of his lands.  His friend Alan Dale was with him at the castle in Nottingham for this momentous occasion.  However, Robin is not happy because the king has not set his seal to the parchment granting Robin his former place.

Now that Robin is his man, John has sent him to Normandy to ensure that it stays part of his kingdom.  After a year of poor harvests on his land, Alan joins Robin who is known there as the Wolf Lord.  Alan is placed in charge of a Company of Wolves, which includes his good friend Little John.  They travel to Falaise where they will patrol.

Later the company travels south with King John to Mirabeau.  There a successful battle results in the capture of Duke Arthur.  Alan is given the responsibility of escorting him back to Falaise.  Unfortunately Little John is badly injured in the fighting.  After some time, Dale is told to transfer Duke Arthur to Rouen where King John awaits.  Will the Duke survive this encounter?

Shortly after this, King Philip of France lays siege to Chateau Gaillard, the Iron Castle.  John thinks that he can get enough food to the castle that it will be able to withstand the siege for a year.  However, the attempt is fruitless.  Robin, Dale and his squire, Kit manage to survive the attempt and make it inside the castle.  Built by King Richard, Chateau Gaillard was deemed impregnable.  Will they be able to survive a long siege?

What remains of the story is one of battles, death and treachery.  Angus Donald has taken historical fact and written a tremendous novel of historical fiction, which I found hard to put down.

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