Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Resistance Man

Bruno, Chief of Police for St. Denis has been called to the home of an elderly man who has just passed away.  In the dead man’s hand is a bank note from Vichy France.  Bruno soon learns that the old man had been a member of the resistance.

Shortly after this, Bruno is called out to a rural residence where a burglary has occurred.  The place is owned by an Englishman, and when Bruno reports the robbery to Paris he learns that the victim is more than a simple civil servant.  Later that same day he is called to another rural location where the body of a man has been found badly beaten about the head.

Bruno wonders if the robbery and murder are connected.  Later he is surprised when he finds possible evidence pointing to a connection to the elderly man who was a resistance fighter.

There is turmoil amongst the police when the press print a story about the civil servant actually being a spymaster.  Could there be more to the robbery than just theft?  Could it have international ramifications?

The brother of the victim is able to show a link between his brother and the grandson of the old man.  Money stolen by the resistance seems to be a key.

How will Bruno solve this case? Will the resistance money be recovered?  Author Martin Walker’s mystery is well written and full of intrigue.  I’m looking forward to picking up and reading the sequels.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Thomas Kydd has lost his beautiful ship, Teazer, in a battle with the French..  Although it sank, he and some of his men were rescued.  Now he is in London hoping for another command.  Unfortunately nothing is available until his friend Nicholas Renzi pulls a few strings.

Kydd is to be captain of a recently captured French frigate.  He wants Renzi to be his confidential secretary.  As excited as Kydd was, he had to await the refitting of the ship in dry dock in Plymouth.  She is to be known as L’Aurore.  Although Kydd has his ship, he doesn’t have the men to man it.  He also has orders to join Admiral Nelson in the Mediterranean post haste!  What is to be done?

He makes the onerous decision to take men from a ship that has just returned from sea.  It is a harsh decision that will only lead to resentment.  The ship is on the verge of mutiny.  Kydd’s next step will either lead to court martial or a stronger ship.  Fortunately Kydd is able to take the ship for sea trials.  After meeting with Nelson, L’ Aurore is tasked with watching for the possible leaving of the French fleet from Toulon.

When the French fleet under Admiral Villenueve sneak out of Toulon, Nelson thinks they have headed east, but his search in that direction is in vain.  At Malta, they discover that the French have retreated to Toulon.  Since the French are bottled up again, L’ Aurore is sent on patrol to the Adriatic.

Once winter is over, the French fleet once again breaks out of Toulon.  Which way are they headed?  Before Nelson’s fleet is aware, the French are headed west, likely to join with the fleets on the Atlantic and then the invasion of England!

Julian Stockwin’s remaining pages of this historical novel follow Nelson’s chase of Villanueve across and across again of the Atlantic.  It was frustrating, but would culminate in the famous Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Nelson.  The author gives detailed accounts of the final battle aboard the Victory, Nelson’s flag ship.

An intensely riveting novel, hard to put down.  What will become of Kydd and Renzi in the sequel?  I look forward to finding out.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Caspian Gates

Ballista and his family are in Ephesus when an earthquake strikes.  Fortunately for them they were in the open when it struck.  Afterwards, Ballista is part of the committee struggling to put things to right.  Eight days after the earthquake, the Goths arrive.  They would have to fight their way out of the city.

Having safely arrived in Pirene, news arrives that the Goths have sailed south.  Ballista leaves with Maximus and Hippothous for Miletus to offer their military experience and to help defend the coastal city.  The councillors of the city agree to put Ballista in charge of the defense of the city.  Fortunately they have a few days before the Goths arrive.

Having successfully seen the Goths off, Ballista is able to return to Ephesus.  His stay there is not long as the emperor decides to send him to the Caspian Gates.  There he will be out of the way.  Along with three other officers, he is expected to ensure that the Sassanids can’t use a more northerly route to attack the Roman Empire.

Can the men get to their destination safely by travelling on the Black Sea, or will the Goths find and destroy them or would a storm send all to the bottom of the sea?

Arriving at the base of the Caucasus Mountains Ballista’s group meet the Suani.  Later at the Caspian Gates he discovers that there is much repair work to be done.

Author Harry Sidebottom’s historical novel is filled with treachery, loyalty and action.  Will Ballista and his friends once again survive through the intent of the emperor to rid himself of one of his subjects?  A very good read.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fire Catcher

London 1666 and Charlie Tuesday is back doing his job as a thief taker.  Having seen a girl committing theft, he finds out from Mother Mitchell that the girl, Lily Boswell, is deadly.  At this same time a fire has started in Pudding Lane.

When Charlie arrives at Pudding Lane, he discovers a wall of flames.  But that doesn’t prevent him from continuing his quest.  He learns that his old nemesis, Blackstone still lives.  He decides that he must get to the palace.  However, unable to find Lily there, he goes into an apothecary where he is told that the key he possesses has the symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone.

Later he teams up with Lily, despite her deadliness.  They end up in some deadly situations, however.  Will they escape?  Meantime, the fire rages.  King Charles rallies men to stop the further spread of the fire.  But the fire feeds on itself creating a firestorm.  Can anything survive?

Author C. S. Quinn’s novel is full of exciting action from start to finish.  A hard book to put down.  The last pages tempt the reader on to the third book in this trilogy and I’m looking forward to reading it.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Keep the Midnight Out

Early one morning while on summer holiday on the Island of Mull, Detective Superintendent William Lorimer discovers the body of a young man, just above the high tide mark.  Although he knows that he will not be involved in the investigation, Lorimer can’t help but notice some similarities to a case he had investigated 20 years earlier as a new DC.

Lorimer is surprised when the SIO shows up; DI Crozier is a woman he had not met before.  He forgets to tell her about the previous case when they meet to briefly discuss the case.

The pathologist, Rosie Fergusson, determines that the victim was dead before he went into the water.

When Lorimer is able to speak again to DI Crozier, he points out that the body had been found above the high tide mark.  He also mentions the 20 year old case.  She isn’t really interested, she is more fearful that he will step in and take over the case.

Things take a drastic turn when a potential witness is found murdered and a potential suspect has gone missing.  Now Crozier comes to Lorimer for help.

Will Lorimer’s help be enough?  Is there the possibility of another killing in the offing?  Author Alex Gray’s thriller is full of potential suspects, but it isn’t until near the end that the killer is revealed.  A very good read.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Lion of the Sun

Ballista has been captured along with the Emperor of Rome, Valerian, by the Sassanids.  Ballista ensured that his men, Maximus, Calgacus and Demetrius escaped. Can they make it to safety before their pursuers catch them?  And what of the fate of Ballista?

Surprisingly, the king of the Sassanids sends Ballista and Cledonius back to the Romans to demand a ransom for Valerian.  Ballista breaks his oath to the king and remains behind to become prefect of the cavalry while the other three manage to make it to Antioch.

The empire is in turmoil.  In the west, Valerian’s son has been ousted, although he commands a large army.  In the east Macrianus the Elder has taken control, planning on putting his two sons in the purple.  They assign Ballista to operate a naval expedition along the coast, while his family is kept in Antioch.  Will Julia and his two sons survive when the Sassanids get to Antioch?

News of the sacking of Antioch reaches Ballista, and when he arrives there his wife and sons are gone.  Ballista’s blood runs cold.  How will his vengeance play out?

Author Harry Sidebottom’s historical novel has plenty of treachery, double crossing and death awaiting those involved in this historical novel.  A good read, which is hard to put down once you get started reading it

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Flame Bearer

Uthred had been trying to get back the fortress that his had stolen from him by his uncle for many years.  The time now seemed propitious to take Bebbanburg from his cousin.  Unfortunately before he can mount an attack, he is called back to York by the king.  Northumbria is under attack by West Saxons.

Headed south, Uthred stops at a fort in the Roman wall.  There he is surprised by Constantin, king of the Scots.  Constantin claims all the land north of the wall, including Uthred’s; he tells Uthred to head south or else.  When Uthred reaches York, he becomes convinced that the Scots and the West Saxons have united in common cause against the Northumbrians.

When Uthred parlays with the West Saxons, he is surprised at how courteous they are.  They claim to be building a church, but Uthred asks them why they are doing that on Northumbrian land.  The claim is that a charter had ceded it to them.  Uthred asks for gold for custom duties, but realises that in two days time when it is proposed the payment be made, he will have a fight on his hands.

Uthred’s suspicions of treachery prove true, but he is prepared, and two can play the game of treachery.  Fortunately war is averted, so now he can refocus on Babbanburg.  Deception would now be Uthred’s modus operandi.  He soon learns that his enemies also have plans for Babbanburg.

Can Uthred get back to Babbanburg before his enemies can get their to aid his cousin?  Author Bernard Cornwell’s novel is slow to build towards the final climax, however there is plenty of action in the final chapter.  A very good historical novel by one of the best story tellers.

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Tom Kydd is able to finally prove that he had been framed, which resulted in his loss of the command of Teazer.  Now he finds himself back in command of the ship and crew he loves.  He also has his old friend, Nicholas Renzi as his ship’s clerk on board.  Their first task was to sail from Guernsey northeast along the French coast.

Due to his success along the French coast, it is decided to send Kydd and Teazer to join the Downs squadron.  Admiral Keith sends Kydd to the Admiralty offices in London to be apprised of the situation with France.  There he learns of the plans that are being put in place should Napoleon successfully invade England.  Kydd is shocked by both the plans of Napoleon and England.  Can the navy withstand a French invasion fleet?

Napoleon’s invasion fleet is being assembled in Boulogne.  However, Napoleon is more interested in having himself crowned Emperor of France.

Due to the fact that Teazer is sidelined for repairs, Renzi is seconded for a mission to France. His task is to bring back a man who could be helping the French to defeat the Royal Navy.  Unfortunately the contact in question is not obliging, so Renzi sends a coded message via Kydd for the Foreign Office.  His only other option is to kill the man.  Fortunately Renzi is successful, but will the man now help England?

Kydd sends Renzi to take the waters at Bath when he returns.  Kydd now finds himself at the disposal of the man from France, much to his chagrin.  He only wants to fight Napoleon.  Kydd is shocked by what the man is proposing to build.

Author Julian Stockwin’s historical naval fiction isn’t as full of action as though in the past.  Rather, he takes a look at the infernal machines that were developed at the time, but really wouldn’t come to fruition until a century later.  A good, quick read.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Journey to Munich

Maisie Dobbs is back in London, and it isn’t long long before Special Branch comes calling asking for service.  She is to travel to Munich to bring about the release of a British boffin from Dachau.  However, before she goes, she is to receive special training on how to kill - before she can be killed.

When Maisie leaves for Munich she has new abilities, a disguise and a new persona.  Will they be enough to see her through the difficult task she has been given? In Munich she finds herself being followed by a man from the American consulate, but why?

When Maisie goes to get the necessary papers to release the man from Dachau, the Nazis delay.  She has other complications arise, too.  Will she be able to get the man released from Dachau or will she also become a prisoner?

Author Jacqueline Winspear builds up the tension in this thriller as Maisie Dobbs attempts to save people from the Nazis.  One of Winspear’s best novels so far; a very good, quick read.

Monday, October 2, 2017

When the Music's Over

Alan Banks has just recently been appointed Detective Superintendent, and now with other senior officers he is to head up an historical sexual abuse case that occurred nearly 50 years previous.  He and DS Winsome Jackman interview the first complainant and then the supposed rapist.

DI Annie Cabbot and DC Gerry Masterton have been called out to a body found on the side of a country lane.  It appears that the dead girl has been badly beaten.  In fact, so badly beaten that her insides were completely messed up.  She was also brutally sexually assaulted before being beaten.

Tox screens show that the girl had alcohol and ketamine in her system.  She may not have felt anything.  Also there is DNA from three different men who sexually assaulted her.  Not long after posting an artist’s sketch of the victim, Masterton receives an anonymous phone call identifying their victim.  She had come from a poor estate.

Bank’s victim had been raped by two men.  One had been murdered shortly after she had been raped.  Was he now investigating a murder as well as a rape?  Is it possible that both murder and rape were covered up by people powerful enough to protect the rapist?

Although the two cases are years apart, author Peter Robinson neatly ties them together.  A good read, hard to put down.