Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Lion of the Sun

Ballista has been captured along with the Emperor of Rome, Valerian, by the Sassanids.  Ballista ensured that his men, Maximus, Calgacus and Demetrius escaped. Can they make it to safety before their pursuers catch them?  And what of the fate of Ballista?

Surprisingly, the king of the Sassanids sends Ballista and Cledonius back to the Romans to demand a ransom for Valerian.  Ballista breaks his oath to the king and remains behind to become prefect of the cavalry while the other three manage to make it to Antioch.

The empire is in turmoil.  In the west, Valerian’s son has been ousted, although he commands a large army.  In the east Macrianus the Elder has taken control, planning on putting his two sons in the purple.  They assign Ballista to operate a naval expedition along the coast, while his family is kept in Antioch.  Will Julia and his two sons survive when the Sassanids get to Antioch?

News of the sacking of Antioch reaches Ballista, and when he arrives there his wife and sons are gone.  Ballista’s blood runs cold.  How will his vengeance play out?

Author Harry Sidebottom’s historical novel has plenty of treachery, double crossing and death awaiting those involved in this historical novel.  A good read, which is hard to put down once you get started reading it

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