Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Resistance Man

Bruno, Chief of Police for St. Denis has been called to the home of an elderly man who has just passed away.  In the dead man’s hand is a bank note from Vichy France.  Bruno soon learns that the old man had been a member of the resistance.

Shortly after this, Bruno is called out to a rural residence where a burglary has occurred.  The place is owned by an Englishman, and when Bruno reports the robbery to Paris he learns that the victim is more than a simple civil servant.  Later that same day he is called to another rural location where the body of a man has been found badly beaten about the head.

Bruno wonders if the robbery and murder are connected.  Later he is surprised when he finds possible evidence pointing to a connection to the elderly man who was a resistance fighter.

There is turmoil amongst the police when the press print a story about the civil servant actually being a spymaster.  Could there be more to the robbery than just theft?  Could it have international ramifications?

The brother of the victim is able to show a link between his brother and the grandson of the old man.  Money stolen by the resistance seems to be a key.

How will Bruno solve this case? Will the resistance money be recovered?  Author Martin Walker’s mystery is well written and full of intrigue.  I’m looking forward to picking up and reading the sequels.

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