Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Caspian Gates

Ballista and his family are in Ephesus when an earthquake strikes.  Fortunately for them they were in the open when it struck.  Afterwards, Ballista is part of the committee struggling to put things to right.  Eight days after the earthquake, the Goths arrive.  They would have to fight their way out of the city.

Having safely arrived in Pirene, news arrives that the Goths have sailed south.  Ballista leaves with Maximus and Hippothous for Miletus to offer their military experience and to help defend the coastal city.  The councillors of the city agree to put Ballista in charge of the defense of the city.  Fortunately they have a few days before the Goths arrive.

Having successfully seen the Goths off, Ballista is able to return to Ephesus.  His stay there is not long as the emperor decides to send him to the Caspian Gates.  There he will be out of the way.  Along with three other officers, he is expected to ensure that the Sassanids can’t use a more northerly route to attack the Roman Empire.

Can the men get to their destination safely by travelling on the Black Sea, or will the Goths find and destroy them or would a storm send all to the bottom of the sea?

Arriving at the base of the Caucasus Mountains Ballista’s group meet the Suani.  Later at the Caspian Gates he discovers that there is much repair work to be done.

Author Harry Sidebottom’s historical novel is filled with treachery, loyalty and action.  Will Ballista and his friends once again survive through the intent of the emperor to rid himself of one of his subjects?  A very good read.

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