Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fire Catcher

London 1666 and Charlie Tuesday is back doing his job as a thief taker.  Having seen a girl committing theft, he finds out from Mother Mitchell that the girl, Lily Boswell, is deadly.  At this same time a fire has started in Pudding Lane.

When Charlie arrives at Pudding Lane, he discovers a wall of flames.  But that doesn’t prevent him from continuing his quest.  He learns that his old nemesis, Blackstone still lives.  He decides that he must get to the palace.  However, unable to find Lily there, he goes into an apothecary where he is told that the key he possesses has the symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone.

Later he teams up with Lily, despite her deadliness.  They end up in some deadly situations, however.  Will they escape?  Meantime, the fire rages.  King Charles rallies men to stop the further spread of the fire.  But the fire feeds on itself creating a firestorm.  Can anything survive?

Author C. S. Quinn’s novel is full of exciting action from start to finish.  A hard book to put down.  The last pages tempt the reader on to the third book in this trilogy and I’m looking forward to reading it.

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