Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Flame Bearer

Uthred had been trying to get back the fortress that his had stolen from him by his uncle for many years.  The time now seemed propitious to take Bebbanburg from his cousin.  Unfortunately before he can mount an attack, he is called back to York by the king.  Northumbria is under attack by West Saxons.

Headed south, Uthred stops at a fort in the Roman wall.  There he is surprised by Constantin, king of the Scots.  Constantin claims all the land north of the wall, including Uthred’s; he tells Uthred to head south or else.  When Uthred reaches York, he becomes convinced that the Scots and the West Saxons have united in common cause against the Northumbrians.

When Uthred parlays with the West Saxons, he is surprised at how courteous they are.  They claim to be building a church, but Uthred asks them why they are doing that on Northumbrian land.  The claim is that a charter had ceded it to them.  Uthred asks for gold for custom duties, but realises that in two days time when it is proposed the payment be made, he will have a fight on his hands.

Uthred’s suspicions of treachery prove true, but he is prepared, and two can play the game of treachery.  Fortunately war is averted, so now he can refocus on Babbanburg.  Deception would now be Uthred’s modus operandi.  He soon learns that his enemies also have plans for Babbanburg.

Can Uthred get back to Babbanburg before his enemies can get their to aid his cousin?  Author Bernard Cornwell’s novel is slow to build towards the final climax, however there is plenty of action in the final chapter.  A very good historical novel by one of the best story tellers.

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