Monday, May 4, 2020

Big Sky

Jackson Brodie had been walking his ex-girlfriend’s dog on the beach early in the morning when the dog discovered a backpack with a unicorn on it.  What was unusual about that, was that the previous day he and his son had seen a young girl carrying one hop into a car that he was sure didn’t belong to her parents.  He took the backpack to the police.  However, the desk sergeant didn’t seem too interested.

He also has a job; a woman has approached him concerned about being followed.  So, he sets up surveillance on her, and sure enough she is.  Is it another private detective?  He is shocked later when the children of hers were kidnapped right away from her while he was nearby.  They are unable to keep up with the kidnappers!

In the course of his investigation, Brodie runs into a young woman who had saved his life many years before.  She is now a Detective Constable.  DC Reggie Chase will continue to keep secrets with Brodie.

Author Kate Atkinson has spun another tale that seems to start out as nothing, but gathers steam leading to a surprising conclusion.  There are stories within stories in this thriller.  A very interesting read to say the least.

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