Sunday, May 17, 2020

Once Upon a Time

An elderly man has fallen down and struck his forehead on something.  Unfortunately, he died in the snow and cold.  Inspector Michael Green has some doubts despite the autopsy showing death from natural causes.  He decides to begin an investigation.

Green’s initial feeling about the family of the deceased is that there is something strange about them.

After the weekend Green takes DS Brian Sullivan with him to Renfrew to check into the deceased’s police record.  They are surprised to find out that the deceased was Polish, not British like his wife.  Going through the deceased’s rural home they find identity papers that appear to be German, Wehrmacht in fact.

As Green’s investigation progresses, he finds that there could be a connection to the Holocaust.  Was the deceased a survivor or was there something else to his story?  Had this become a personal quest of Green’s because he was also Jewish?

Author Barbara Fradkin takes the story of one old man and ties it in with the stories of two other old men and their connected past.  Inspector Green has a lot of travelling to do before he can make the connections. A good, quick read.

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