Wednesday, May 20, 2020

She Lies in Wait

DCI Jonah Scheens and DC Juliette Hanson are on the scene of an apparent homicide.  It is at a campsite where thirty years ago seven kids had camped, but only six had gotten up in the morning.  Scheens is positive that the remains belong to a teenage girl by the name of Aurora Jackson.

Scene-of-crime-officer, Linda McCullough, initially is unable to determine the cause of death, but is able to confirm the identity of the remains due to dental records.  There were packets of drugs also found near the body.  Is it possible that the kids she was with at the time killed her and hid the body?

Scheens is well versed with the case because he was a young constable at the time.  He quickly has his team begin to review the old case notes.  The team begins to interview the people who had been with Aurora on the night she disappeared.  Scheens is caught off guard when her sister reminds them that she had mentioned her sister’s English teacher had been past their campsite that same evening.

Which one is lying, or are their stories distorted by time?  One evening Scheens comes across a fire at the home of one of the group.  Is the killer attempting to intimidate the group?  The following morning Hanson informs him that there had been a similar fire there several years earlier.  Coincidence or something else?

How can Scheens’ team solve this long ago crime, when even he has some personal issues to be dealt with?  Author Gytha Lodge teases the reader with a number of suspects and hints at Aurora’s last hours throughout this thriller.  An excellent read and hard to put down.  I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

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