Sunday, May 10, 2020

The House of the Red Slayer

Coroner John Cranston has come to Athelstan’s church to request him to join him at the Tower in London to investigate a murder.  Cranston reveals to Athelstan that the Constable of the Tower has his throat slit during the night.  He had also received a written warning earlier.  There are a number of suspects.

Outside the North Bastion, where the Constable has lodged for his own safety, Athelstan discovers a buckle in the snow.  They now have a solid clue of the assassin. They commence questioning the main guests in the Tower.  The victim’s daughter provides a note, which had been sent to the victim along with a seed cake.  Athelstan knows this is a warning from the famous Assassins beyond the Middle Sea.

Could it be possible that there might be more to die at the hand of the assassin?  The following day one of the friends of the Constable falls from the wall of the tower, and another receives a message similar to the one the Constable had.  Athelstan learns more of the background of the Constable and his friends.  Now he and Cranston have to determine who the killer could be.

Author Paul Doherty has set Athelstan a virtually impossible task, but by using logic, the priest is able to ascertain who the killer is.  Another enjoyable read.

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