Saturday, May 23, 2020

No Simple Death

Detective Garda Sergeant Mike West and Detective Garda Pete Andrews have been called out to a churchyard where a body has been found on top of a grave.  The pathologist, Dr. Niall Kennedy thinks that the man has been dead about ten hours.

The men assigned to examine the area quickly locate the murder weapon, which was a large kitchen knife.  The killer must have been very confident to have dropped it so close nearby.

The words on a note found in the pocket of of the victim seem to have a profound effect on the woman who found the body, but she refuses to admit anything to West.

Through connections, Andrews discovers the identity of the victim.  His name is that of a man who is missing and apparently the husband of the woman who found him.  Why didn’t she recognise him?  Checking the file of the missing man shows that it is not the same man.  West returns to the hone of the woman only to find that she is gone.

One of his team suggests that the words on the note is a place in Cornwall, so West travels there and surprisingly finds the missing woman there.  She too was there chasing what she thought her husband had hinted at in the note.

West learns a bit about the missing man from the woman, but more from a call from Andrews.  Apparently he is a con artist and is currently married to someone else.  Back in Cornwall, he discovers that the missing man has now been killed.  What is the connection between the two?

Will West and his team find the connection and thereby discover the killer before he kills again?  Author Valerie Keogh has created an interesting plot that doesn’t just involve murder that crosses international boundaries, but also has a deeper crime involved.  Keogh definitely catches the reader’s attention and holds it.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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