Thursday, December 22, 2011

Empire of Silver

The sons of Genghis Khan begin the story in a fight for control of the vast Mongol empire created by Genghis.  Ogedai is the one who gains control.  He builds the city of Karakorum and expands the empire first to the east, taking vast lands belonging to the Chinese.

Next, he sends his general Tsubodai westward with the "Golden Horde" with several of Genghis' grandsons leading vast tumans.  Their first capture is Moscow in winter time.  Winter was a time normally that people didn't fight, but Tsubodai took advantage of the frozen land to quickly move on his enemies.

It was at the cities of Buda and Pest where the westward expansion halted.  Guyak, the son of Ogedai was called back to Karakorum to become the next khan because his father had died.  As he turned eastward he took the Mongol army with him.  He was expecting to have to fight his uncle for the khanate. 

One is left to wonder how far the Mongols would have ranged were it not for this death.  What would have become of Europe?

For fans of historical novels, this is a great read.  Author Conn Iggulden puts you right there in the battles with the fighters; you live the story.

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