Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The God of the Hive

Mary Russell and her much older husband Sherlock Holmes are involved in a murder mystery cum spy thriller once again. 

The story begins in Scotland where Mary rescues her step-granddaughter from a possible death.  While being flown southwards by an American pilot a sniper shoots at the plane wounding the pilot.  Shortly thereafter the plane crashes.  Fortunately all aboard are rescued by a mysterious Green Man.

Meantime Holmes is in the North Sea aboard a fishing boat with his badly wounded son and a lady doctor that they have abducted.  Holmes heads for the safety of The Netherlands in order to find a place for his son to recuperate.

Down in London, Holmes' brother Mycroft has been taken captive by a mysterious personage who wants to take his place in the intelligence world.

Author Laurie R. King draws all of these threads together and weaves an entertaining story, one that I am sure that you will enjoy.

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