Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Treason at Lisson Grove

Anne Perry's latest thriller starts with a chase through the streets of London.  William Pitt and colleague are running after a man who has information that Special Branch is looking for.  Unfortunately, the man they are chasing is murdered before they can apprehend him.  The murderer runs off and the chase is on again; this time leading them across The English Channel to St. Malo.

Shortly thereafter Pitt's superior Victor Narraway is accused of embezzlement and relieved of his position.  Before he departs for Ireland in search of redemption he must inform Charlotte Pitt of her husband's whereabouts in order that she won't worry.  When she learns that Narraway is off to Ireland to gather evidence to exonerate himself, she offers to accompany him to aid him in his investigation.  She would pretend to be his half-sister.

Why were Pitt and Narraway sent in opposite directions at a time when revolutionary radicals beginning to gain footholds throughout Europe?  Could there be a traitor in Special Branch who wanted to eliminate the two most knowledgeable men from Special Branch so that they can take it over for their own nefarious purposes?

Once again, Anne Perry weaves an excellent thriller, set in Victorian England.  Enjoy!

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